Best-of-Show Contests & Mystery Shopping
“Best-of-Show” Contest Judging and Awards
- Do you want to motivate your exhibitors and help them to improve their exhibit presence at your show? Consider implementing a “Best-of-Show” competition with a professional judging team, complete with pre-show promotion of your award criteria and award levels (i.e. a free 10′ x 10′ booth space at the following year’s show for first prize in the linear category, or a 20′ x 20′ booth space for first prize in the island category), plus trophies/plaques, at-show announcements, recognition through show floor announcements, trophy presentation during a meal function, promotion on your show website and bragging rights.
- After the judging is completed and awards have been announced, your judges can return to those exhibitors’ booths who’ve requested a personalized exhibit review of what they can improve for future shows. (Or this exhibit review can also be customized to first-time exhibitors, with on-the-fly tips that can be implemented on show site during set-up.)
- All Best-of-Show programs can be customized to your show’s goals and objectives and exhibitor sizes and types.
Mystery Shopper Exhibit/Staff Evaluation
- How can you get objective input and unbiased feedback on your exhibit’s effectiveness and exhibit staff’s productivity? With a super-sleuth Booth Mom®’s mystery shopper program!
- Your exhibit will be evaluated in over 20 categories in the areas of company ID, messaging, product presentation, exhibit appeal and effectiveness, traffic flow, and exhibit personnel.
- At the end of the first show day (or shift if you’ve got staff scheduled for multiple shifts), you’ll have the immediate verbal feedback you need to make on-the-fly improvements to your exhibit for the rest of the show and not waste the entire show before making a mid-course correction.
- Within 48 hours, you’ll receive a comprehensive written report complete with telling photos and The Booth Mom’s industry best practices recommendations with insight to incorporate into your future exhibit plans.
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